Limited company 300 000 €.
Subsidiary company (100 %) of IM’PULS.
Creation of MCM
MCM company resulting from the merger in 1990 of two Salting and Catgut manufactory activities.
In March 2013, MCM merged with PULS’ELEC to form the IM’PULS Group.
Our resources
M.C.M. has the technical and human ressources enabling it to meet with almost all the specific requirements of its customers.
The company has a workforce of 18 people with the following structure :
The company has a workforce of 18 people with the following structure :
a team of five highly experienced sales technicians for abattoirs and salting plants
a design office with four people
two people for the organisation of purchases, subcontracting and warehouse
highly qualified fabrication staff
a team of efficient electrical mechanics with full mastering of the equipment
an after-sales service